February 20th, 2016.
Deal of the Month: Development Finance for Luxury Properties

We believe in the importance of building strong broker to client relationships, as dealing with finances requires a lot of trust. And this case study is a great example of how this familiarity can help when seeking funding.
A longstanding personal relationship helped secure funding for a luxury development in Devon. How? Well, having inherited land from his family, our client was able to increase its value by 600% by securing planning permission for two new luxury properties in a development that would have been worth an estimated £3.5m.
However, there were challenges: notably the value of property in that part of the country, and the fact that the client had paid only planning and professional costs, and had put little other finance into the project.
But, we knew the client well and he already had substantial development experience. We had even supported him through previous projects. This gave us the confidence to present his case to funders, having experience of his skills and what we thought would be the benefits to backing the project.
The development was funded at 55% of GDV at a competitive 7% pa, enabling the developer to get the properties built and ready for sale. These are currently under construction and we can’t wait to see how they turn out.
Read more:
Everything You Need-to-Know About Building on Brownfield Sites
What Are the Rules Regarding Building on Green Belt Land?
Could a New Bill Speed Up The Property Developing Process?