May 18th, 2023.
Every Week’s A School Week #LearningAtWorkWeek

In honour of Learning at Work Week, we thought now would be the perfect time to celebrate our team members and the work they put into continuous improvement.
The old adage of ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it’ is definitely apt, but we can push that philosophy further still. As well as sharpening and honing their current expertise, we think it’s important the team learn new competencies altogether.
At Pure Property Finance, we believe that investing in the training of our staff not only reaps rewards for the business through an enhanced workforce, but it also helps each individual develop their own skills and credentials – a win-win situation.
Some examples of the support we’re currently offering are:
- Leadership & Management Training for two of our directors, provided by the Help to Grow management course
- CeMAP (certificate in mortgage advice & practice) qualifications for our senior admin team
- CeRER (certificate in regulated equity release) qualifications
- Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning through the Chartered Insurance Institute
- NACFB training and CPD (continuous personal development) for all staff members
- Dedicated product mentorship for advisers/admin staff delivered by senior, more experienced members
In fact, we worked out that we are providing high-level training or industry qualifications for 78% of our staff:
Learning at work week is every week at Pure. To see if there are any career opportunities and a chance to grow, email us on [email protected] or call us on 02920766565.